
Macau AI Challenge 2019 Regulations 

The goal of this challenge is to encourage AI enthusiast in Macao high schools to apply their AI skills to solve some real-world problems in order to make our city smarter.  

The major tasks in this challenge are (1) to design a classification algorithm that can correctly classify real-world small images of traffic signs; and (2) to design a detection algorithm that can accurately recognize traffic sign(s) from a set of photos. These skills are particularly useful in intelligent transportation systems (e.g., auto-driving and traffic accident analysis). 

Summary of Important Rules 

  • Attending the IJCAI 2019 conference is not required for participating in the competition. Remote participation is possible. However, at least one participant from the winning teams needs to attend IJCAI 2019 for presentations 
  • All participants will have to agree to the terms and conditions (see below). 
  • Privately sharing code or data outside of teams is not permitted. It’s okay to share code if made available to all participants on the forums.
  • Team mergers are allowed and can be performed by the team leader. In order to merge, the combined team must have a total submission count less than or equal to the maximum allowed as of the merge date. The maximum allowed is the number of submissions per day multiplied by the number of days the competition has been running.
  • The maximum size of a team is 5 participants.
  • Each team may submit a maximum of 5 (tentative) entries per day and select up to 5 (tentative) final submissions for judging. 


The competition is open to all local high school students in Macau. On registration time, participants should provide certificate to their identity including residential ID and student ID (in photos or scanned soft-copy). Also, team information should be submitted upon registration. The registration time period will be set to TIME, DATE 2019 to TIME, DATE 2019. We encourage all potential participants not hesitate to give a try! 

澳門人工智慧挑戰賽 2019 


該挑戰賽主要有兩個任務。 第一個任務將要求參賽者設計分類演算法,將現實照片中截取的交通告示牌正確分類;第二個任務將要求參賽者設計檢測演算法,從現實照片中正確截取包含交通告示牌的部分。 相關技術在智慧交通中至關重要(如,自動駕駛的交通規則識別與分析)。 


  • 挑戰賽參與者無需註冊IJCAI 2019會議。 遠端參賽將被允許。 但是,挑戰賽要求獲獎隊伍至少一員參賽者到達IJCAI 2019會議現場進行演講。 
  • 所有參賽者都必須簽署有關智慧財產權和資料隱私的合約條款(下附)。 
  • 挑戰賽禁止參賽隊伍之間私下共用資料與程式碼。 但在挑戰賽討論群組上的公開共用不受此限制。 
  • 參賽隊伍的合併將被允許。 但是,合併後的隊伍被允許的提交次數需要符合單一隊伍能夠被允許提交次數的限制。 
  • 一支隊伍最多被允許包含五位參賽者。 
  • 每支隊伍每天將被允許不超過 5 次 (暫訂) 的提交以及 5 次 (暫訂) 的最終評估 


挑戰賽的參賽者範圍為澳門本地的所有中學生。 註冊時,請出示有效證件的相片或掃描檔。 有效證件需提供居民身份證與學生證。 隊伍資訊在註冊時也應該提供。 註冊的時間視窗為:。 歡迎有興趣的所有中學踴躍參與