ICDE 2019 offers two students travel awards, NSF Student Travel Awards (eligible to full-time student in US institutions) and Chinese Student Travel Awards (eligible to full-time Chinese student from a Chinese university including Hong Kong, Macau and China).
NSF Student Travel Awards
ICDE 2019 will provide a limited number of financial grants to students, with the objective of increasing the diversity of participation in this conference. Thanks to the generous support from NSF (pending), we will provide up to $2500 in travel scholarships to selected students attending the ICDE’19 conference. Applicants need to be a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate) **currently matriculated in US institutions**.
Students who are primary authors of an accepted paper in the main conference or the workshops (especially students selected to attend the Ph.D. Symposium) are especially encouraged to apply. Junior students without papers accepted for publication at the conference, but involved in research closely related to the topics of the conference are also encouraged to apply. Applications from female students and students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.
The award will be administered per NSF instructions as detailed at https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/fl26/fl26_117.pdf
To apply it is strongly recommended to be a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE). Information about joining TCDE can be found at http://bit.ly/2jU8feX. Membership is FREE.
Important: Students receiving the NSF support will be need to use US-flag carrying airlines.
Application Details: To apply for a grant, the student must submit the necessary materials no later than the application deadline. Students are encouraged to have the applications sent as soon as possible. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Please include the following materials in the application folder:
- Cover letter with the following information (in one page):
- student’s full name and email address;
- name and address of student’s school (in the US);
- student’s academic status and expected year of graduation;
- whether the student is (co-)author of a paper that was accepted for the main conference or if the student contributes to any other part of the conference;
- if the student is a (co-)author, the paper title, author list, the student’s contribution to the paper, and whether the student will present the paper;
- Student’s CV (1-2 pages).
- One-page abstract from the student, summarizing a broad view of his/her Ph.D. research with motivation, problem description, approach, and progress:
- the abstracts must be written in English
- it should include a brief statement about student’s current research interests and research accomplishments to date;
- the abstract has to comply with the conference submission format.
- A brief letter of confirmation of status from a faculty member of the student’s host institution (preferably from academic/dissertation advisors).
- Optional: demographic data
- Optional: TCDE membership status and, if applicable, membership number
Application Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icde-sp19
Application Deadline: Wednesday February 27th, 11:59 PM US Pacific Time
Notification Date: Monday, March 4th
Selection Committee
K. Selcuk Candan, candan@asu.edu, Arizona State University (chair)
Partha Nagarkar, pnagarka@asu.edu, New Mexico State University
Maria Luisa Sapino, mlsapino@di.unito.it, University of Turin
Chinese Student Travel Awards
ICDE 2019 will provide a limited number of financial grants to students, with the objective of increasing the Chinese student participation in this conference. Thanks to the generous support from the universities in Hong Kong, we will provide up to HK$5000 in travel scholarships to selected students attending the ICDE’19 conference. Applicant needs to be a full-time Chinese student (undergraduate or graduate) from a Chinese university including Hong Kong, Macau and China.
Students who are primary authors of an accepted paper in the main conference or the workshops (especially students selected to attend the Ph.D. Symposium) are especially encouraged to apply. Junior students without papers accepted for publication at the conference, but involved in research closely related to the topics of the conference are also encouraged to apply. Applications from female students and students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.
Important: Successful applicants will need to visit one of the universities in Hong Kong assigned by the selection committee (see below).
Application Details: To apply for a grant, the student must submit the necessary materials no later than the application deadline. Students are encouraged to have the applications sent as soon as possible. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Please include the following materials in the application folder:
- Cover letter with the following information (in one page):
- student’s full name and email address;
- name and address of student’s school;
- student’s academic status and expected year of graduation;
- whether the student is (co-)author of a paper that was accepted for the main conference or if the student contributes to any other part of the conference;
- if the student is a (co-)author, the paper title, author list, the student’s contribution to the paper, and whether the student will present the paper;
- Student’s CV (1-2 pages).
- One-page abstract from the student, summarizing a broad view of his/her Ph.D. research with motivation, problem description, approach, and progress:
- the abstracts must be written in English
- it should include a brief statement about student’s current research interests and research accomplishments to date;
- the abstract has to comply with the conference submission format.
- A brief letter of confirmation of status from a faculty member of the student’s host institution (preferably from academic/dissertation advisors).
- Optional: demographic data
- Optional: TCDE membership status and, if applicable, membership number
Application Website: https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?conf=icde-sp19 or by email to Kam-Fai Wong, kfwong@se.cuhk.edu.hk
Application Deadline: Wednesday February 27th, 2019
Notification Date: Monday, March 4th 2019
Selection Committee
Lei Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Reynold Cheng, Hong Kong University
Qing Li, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Kam-Fai Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jianliang Xu, Baptist University, Hong Kong
CCF TCDB Student Travel Awards
ICDE 2019 will provide up to 30 financial grants to students, with the objective of encouraging the student participation from mainland China. Thanks to the generous support from CCF TCDB (China Computer Federation Technical Committee on Databases), we will provide each student RMB 1000 in travel scholarships to selected students attending the ICDE 2019 conference. Please note the winners of Chinese Student Travel Awards from Hongkong are not eligible for the application.
An applicant needs to be
(1) a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate) from a university in mainland China,
(2) a co-author of an accepted paper in ICDE 2019 or ICDE workshops, and
(3) a registrant who has already paid the “main Conference” registration fee.
Application Details: To apply for a grant, the student must submit the necessary materials no later than the application deadline. Students are encouraged to have the applications sent as soon as possible. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Please include the following materials in the application folder:
Cover letter with the following information (in 2 pages):
(1) Student’s full name and email address;
(2) Name and address of student’s school;
(3) Student’s academic status and expected year of graduation;
(4) The paper title, author list, the student’s contribution to the paper, and whether the student will present the paper;
(5) Student’s CV (1 page), which should include a brief statement about the student’s current research interests and research accomplishments to date.
(6) Supervisor’s name and affiliation.
The application materials must be written in English, and the applications will be reviewed by TCDB.
Application materials should be sent by email to ccf_tcdb@ccf.org.cn
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 31st, 2019
Notification Date: Wednesday, April 10th, 2019